too lazy to type anything, so just posted pictures.

My cousin's wedding car ((:

My cousin and his wife.

lOl our combs. left belongs to lisa jie jie, center belongs to jie and the last one is mine. haha we gt the three sizes =D

As usual, jie with her sunglasses which is so worth the money. haha

haha. when one get disaster

Dunkin' Donuts is love.

My nephew. haha cute ((: was playing with him all along.
m'sia trip was fun. ((: first time witness my cousin get married! and just realised that i gt many cousins, aunt, uncle and etc. haha managed to buy some chewing gums back. regretted nt buying the whole box haha.
haha. its hui li birthday today! woohoo =D and her mum's birthday too. haha so cool ((:
just woke up from my nap. too tired, didn't wan to sleep actually but couldn't take it.tmr will be a long day! class till 6 and after that gt to do comm skills =[.today after school as usual, we ate at business canteen. after that went to buy u.arts staff and headed to the library with alicious and louise, eunice went to meet her fren while the rest went home. lOl today i met my ' sister-in-law ' hahahhaa. if louise see this, she WILL like just kill me =D
dad gt to work OT again. =[ he seems super busy with this job, hardly get to spend time together. haha while my mum is always home, nagging as usual!
gtg and do tutorials! hell loads of them. BYEEE =D