Thursday, November 27, 2008
fest event over. whats next?! hell lots, im just going to leave aside first. hahaha i need a break. omg it sucks to type a long sentence. BUDGET SHOPPING IS FUN TO THE MAX.right bff?moree to come.hahaha(:honeh~~the bottle ish love manxszx.but i still love u more nehs.don't reject. u'll regret.thanks for everything.hope we'll be in the same class next sem. wooooooooodecember faster come!m'sia is waiting for me!BYE, TIME TO SLEEP.GG CULI!Labels: I know if i continue like this, i'll regret. im giving up. bye.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
how i spend my day. (:

day out with louise,darren,pau,wenhao.
fun and love.
i miss all.
xiao long bao is the ultimate god.
and i was almost in deep shit
but my mum was in a goodie mood in the morning
thank goodness. hahaha
if not say ell0x to grounding.
life sucks, but i know its for the future.
with my own eyes,
now i believe.
im quite excited to move the car!
quite scared though
I WILL PASSS HUH?!?! maybe. :DD
den i can horn those taxi uncles off their asses.
back to projects.
bye world.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
new urban male model. lookout for him.


deep trouble.
I haven TOUCH any of the assignments.
thanks tp.
starting now.
im going to see ht on thurs! (:
Friday, November 14, 2008
thanks all.
i will grow up, i promise
thanks for today,
i nearly,
but i didn't
happy 18th birthday pau!
Monday, November 10, 2008
happy 18th birthday ali!
love love
Saturday, November 1, 2008
a wish that will never happen.
a joke it may seem
smile and laugh
but inside,
isn't at all.
loser i know.
a human too.
this is my life.
life's good.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
fest event over. whats next?! hell lots, im just going to leave aside first. hahaha i need a break. omg it sucks to type a long sentence. BUDGET SHOPPING IS FUN TO THE MAX.right bff?moree to come.hahaha(:honeh~~the bottle ish love manxszx.but i still love u more nehs.don't reject. u'll regret.thanks for everything.hope we'll be in the same class next sem. wooooooooodecember faster come!m'sia is waiting for me!BYE, TIME TO SLEEP.GG CULI!Labels: I know if i continue like this, i'll regret. im giving up. bye.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
how i spend my day. (:

day out with louise,darren,pau,wenhao.
fun and love.
i miss all.
xiao long bao is the ultimate god.
and i was almost in deep shit
but my mum was in a goodie mood in the morning
thank goodness. hahaha
if not say ell0x to grounding.
life sucks, but i know its for the future.
with my own eyes,
now i believe.
im quite excited to move the car!
quite scared though
I WILL PASSS HUH?!?! maybe. :DD
den i can horn those taxi uncles off their asses.
back to projects.
bye world.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
new urban male model. lookout for him.


deep trouble.
I haven TOUCH any of the assignments.
thanks tp.
starting now.
im going to see ht on thurs! (:
Friday, November 14, 2008
thanks all.
i will grow up, i promise
thanks for today,
i nearly,
but i didn't
happy 18th birthday pau!
Monday, November 10, 2008
happy 18th birthday ali!
love love
Saturday, November 1, 2008
a wish that will never happen.
a joke it may seem
smile and laugh
but inside,
isn't at all.
loser i know.
a human too.
this is my life.
life's good.