Friday, June 26, 2009
sleeping seems to be the hardest thing for now.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

wtfrog. i have been controlling. there's always a limit.if u want to be the leader, go ahead. just tell me la, don't just take things in ur hand and show through ur actions. stop sighing like 100000 times, i can totally sense ur anger. but the funny things ali, amy n jeline did just made my day. {:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

an exercise to keep us awake during projects.
everyday stare at the same thing. u know how bored everyone feels?
words and more words. fats and more fats.
MICEEE. sent 2 emailss with the same content and everybody don't understand. hahahaha time to go absorb the whole project brief.
MENUU. one whole week on that. i nearly puked.
and wow my p4 cousin actually asked me to chat with her on msn.
tried very hard not to say singlish and tried to talk properly. she uses gtg, huh, omg. smarty ass. hahaha tskkkk.
my dad msged today! its snowingg. woooo
yawnnnnn. bye
Sunday, June 7, 2009
meet garie, the new kid in town.hahahaha
back to the daily routine.
sit, lie, stare, yawn
Monday, June 1, 2009
hungry and tired. 21 hours of staying up.
i rather do housework nehs. ok maybe not.
lost control while cycling downhill. at that moment, seriously my mind went blank, i felt like ok im dead really dead and next moment, bang-ed the fence and landed up with like 7 bruises. painnn to the max.
but nonetheless, pau completed 42km {: good job my dear.
dad n mum leaving on thurs. hope they will be back with penguins.
back to projects. uhhhhhhhhhhh and my email just don't work again. like 1 week already i can't access anything. sense my frustration prease. hahahha BYE.
Friday, June 26, 2009
sleeping seems to be the hardest thing for now.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

wtfrog. i have been controlling. there's always a limit.if u want to be the leader, go ahead. just tell me la, don't just take things in ur hand and show through ur actions. stop sighing like 100000 times, i can totally sense ur anger. but the funny things ali, amy n jeline did just made my day. {:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

an exercise to keep us awake during projects.
everyday stare at the same thing. u know how bored everyone feels?
words and more words. fats and more fats.
MICEEE. sent 2 emailss with the same content and everybody don't understand. hahahaha time to go absorb the whole project brief.
MENUU. one whole week on that. i nearly puked.
and wow my p4 cousin actually asked me to chat with her on msn.
tried very hard not to say singlish and tried to talk properly. she uses gtg, huh, omg. smarty ass. hahaha tskkkk.
my dad msged today! its snowingg. woooo
yawnnnnn. bye
Sunday, June 7, 2009
meet garie, the new kid in town.hahahaha
back to the daily routine.
sit, lie, stare, yawn
Monday, June 1, 2009
hungry and tired. 21 hours of staying up.
i rather do housework nehs. ok maybe not.
lost control while cycling downhill. at that moment, seriously my mind went blank, i felt like ok im dead really dead and next moment, bang-ed the fence and landed up with like 7 bruises. painnn to the max.
but nonetheless, pau completed 42km {: good job my dear.
dad n mum leaving on thurs. hope they will be back with penguins.
back to projects. uhhhhhhhhhhh and my email just don't work again. like 1 week already i can't access anything. sense my frustration prease. hahahha BYE.